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Welcome to Chartered Institute Of Governance Africa (CiGA)
Members will benefit from the pool of a highly professional network of GLRC and organizational development professionals and practitioners to shape and enhance their professional standing and to benchmark their career outlook against global standards.
Members will benefit from the pool of continuous professional development programmes developed and administered by the Institute.
Members will have access to webinar professional development programmes administered by the Institute.
Members will benefit from concessionary and discounted rates for corporate seminars, workshops, and annual retreats on topical GLRC issues organized by the Institute.
Subject to Membership category, Members will benefit from the privilege of using appropriate post-nominal and designation such as FM, AffM, AssocM, ChM, and FM to gain global recognition, enhance their professional outlook, showcase their GLRC and organizational development skills and competencies, and therefore usher them into the Hall of Fame of Prestigious Professional Bodies across the globe.
Fully comply with the ethos, norms, values, and established order of the Institute.
Pay admission fee, having been admitted into the Institute as a precondition.
Subject to Membership category, promptly pay annual subscription dues as a precondition to being in good standing.
Promptly renew Membership subscription as and when it is due in accordance with the terms and conditions of Membership subscription.
Actively participate in all programmes, projects, and activities organized by the Institute.
Fully committed to the pursuit of continuous professional development with the Institute to keep to the order of good standing, professionally, academically, and, as far as possible, practically.
Engages in any criminal act, exquisitely defined by law as such. involves any act that is deemed to be injurious to the sound health and sacred reputation of the Institute.
Uses false information to gain admission into the Institute as a Member.
Engages in acts that, in the view of the Institute, are deemed to constitute indiscipline or gross professional misconduct.
Fails to pay annual subscription dues in arrears for two months after the same became due.
Fails continuously to actively participate in the programmes, projects, and CPD activities of the Institute after repeated caution by the Institute.
Executive Council determines that the continued Membership of a Member would be detrimental to the interests of the Institute or to the pursuit of its objects.
With flexible courses
Study flexibly online
Successfully Trained
Classes Completed
Satisfaction Rate
Students Community
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